Strategy and Mission

Our Mission and Values articulate what type of institution we are and what is important to us.

Musical Theatre Workshop


We offer a transformative experience, generating knowledge and stimulating self-discovery through creative, radical and intellectually rigorous thinking and practice.


Our Mission is under­pinned by the fol­low­ing values:

Achieving academic excellence

  • Pursuing intellectual curiosity
  • Encouraging the highest standards of research and practice
  • Building on our diverse strengths through interdisciplinary imagination
  • Maximising the interaction of teaching and research

    Radical and innovative thinking

    • Cultivating a unique and creative approach to all our subjects
    • Daring to think differently and to challenge the norms
    • Embracing new ideas with energy and reflection

      Respecting the individual

      • Encouraging individuality and nurturing talent
      • Enabling freedom of thought and expression
      • Nurturing an environment of openness and tolerance

        Promoting access and diversity

        • Enabling a wide range of people to benefit from our learning opportunities
        • Recruiting students and staff from all backgrounds and experiences
        • Strengthening our local connections as we extend our international reach

        Supporting our students and staff

        • Creating a responsive and collaborative learning environment
        • Providing inspiring opportunities for personal and social development
        • Enhancing the life skills of employable and enterprising global citizens

        Creating change, locally and globally

        • Being socially aware and socially engaged
        • Actively promoting sustainability
        • Fostering a social and intellectual community within, and beyond, Goldsmiths

        Goldsmiths Institutional Strategy for 2018-2023

        Our Mission and Values articulate what type of institution we are and what is important to us. They inform how we approach our work and what we prioritise.
        Despite the changing external context, our Mission and Values remain constant and will underpin the implementation of this Strategy.

        Read the full Goldsmiths Strategy 2018-2023